Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ten habits to make 2020 the best year of your Life

As we enter a new decade it's time to create history and become the best version of yourself...

Interested? Read further...     

It's the time of the year again where everyone looks forward to starting afresh and making their mark upon the world. While many may just dream about this lying cozily on their beds while us the hustlers will work their ass off to make those dreams into reality.
Here we present you with ten habits which have been proven to make you more productive, energetic and overall a better individual without sacrificing any of the time you spend socializing or having fun..
Many of the successful individuals you know and admire, be it industrialists, actors, politicians and athletes, they all live by this habits and carry them out religiously.

Here are ten ways you can conquer the year 2020:

1. Manage your time smartly:

You've hear it again and again right ? Time is precious and Time is money.
Lost time is never found again and the most successful of individuals know it and value it.
The most important aspect of time management is setting right your priorities.
Plan your day ahead, mark your calender for that important assignment you have to submit,
be a few minutes early to that important meeting to show your dedication because being an hour early is better than being a minute late.
Allocate adequate time to each activity and make sure it's done well before deadline.

2. Manage your finances:

Money is a wonderful thing isn't it?
Money does not dictate your lifestyle, it's what you do to get it and how you manage your finances that determine your lifestyle.
Before spending a single cent think whether the thing on which you are spending is worth it or not? is
it going to benefit you or not? is it really necessary or not?
Spending is the easy part whereas earning it is damn hard.
Each month set your budget, manage the expenses avoid the extravagant expenditure and make savings an habit to live by.

3. Prioritize time for some physical activity:

Health is wealth.No matter how much you've earned and how much leisure time you have,it's not going to be of any use if you don't have health to compliment it.
As a result of the unhealthy lifestyles obesity has become a common norm across the world which
results in several health issue's such as high blood pressure,gallstones,breathing problem,heart  diseases and what not. this issues can be prevented by simply prioritizing time daily for some physical activities. join your local gym, take some sports, go swimming, hiking, cycling etc.
If you can't manage to do any of this, at least try an half an hour of brisk walking daily.
This will make sure you stay in proper health to enjoy your hard earned money.

4. Eat healthy:

This one is quite simple, you don't need to follow any particular diet plan of that sort, just avoid all oily, unhealthy, junk food that you keep consuming daily and replace them with healthy homemade food. Make a priority to eat a balanced diet consisting of green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, poultry,dairy products etc. Make sure you have a protein rich  diet.
Remember your body becomes what you eat if you keep eating junk it will become junk.

5. Make a habit of reading:

Bill Gates, Warren buffet, Elon Musk, Ratan Tata, Jack Ma, apart from being successful do you know what is the one thing they all have in common?
They all prioritize reading and life long learning. Instead of spending hours on the social media or watching television etc better take up a book and read which will provide you with a better understanding of the world with different perspectives,various ideas, enormous knowledge and what
not. Studies have proven that a habit of reading daily enhances one's imagination and acts as a stress reliever, reduces anxiety and improves memory. Too good to miss out right?

6. Prioritize Family time:

Having a family is the biggest treasure anyone could ask for but yet many of us neglect this precious gift which we have. So, this year rather than arguing with them over silly things make it a point to show them how much they mean to you and how much you love therm. Take your parents out for a day, spend some quality time with them, listen to what they have to say, share your everyday things like you used to do as a kid and watch their glittering smile. If you are married take your partner out on romantic dates like you used to before, relive the moments you Cherish so greatly. Go home early for a day and help them  out in the chores, relax and watch your favorite movies together and fall asleep into each others arms. Likewise if you have kids, take them to that amusement park they've been longing to go, take them to the local park/ground and play with them, listen to every story they have to tell, show them that you love them not just with words but with your actions.

7. Pick up a new hobby:

Being successful is all about keeping oneself busy. So, if you find yourself having some leisure time then why not pick up a hobby that will keep you busy while you also acquire another skill to add to
your resume. It can be anything like learning a new musical instrument, joining some music, dance or  drama classes, learning some kind of martial arts, painting, poetry, some games or what not.It can be anything you enjoy doing.

8. Focus on your career:

I cant stress this point enough. Everything else can wait, all the parties, gatherings, hangouts, everything but not this. This should be our utmost priority which you shouldn't compromise for anything else. If you have job give it your all this year, impress that boss who keeps challenging you, get that much deserved promotion or raise even if you have to work a couple of extra hours for it. If you are student then put all your focus on your studies, put in extra effort for that difficult subject troubling you, ask your teacher/lecturers or friends to help you out with your studies, invite your friends over for group studies and succeed as one whole unit.

9. Get plenty of rest:

You just have to sleep. Easy enough right?.Well having adequate rest is more important then many of us consider it to be. When you are working as hard we planned above, it becomes quite necessary to have adequate rest to perform at your full potential. At any cost make sure you are getting at least  eight hours of sleep daily unless you want yourself to look like a walking talking zombies the next day. Sleep in a dark quiet room, have a clean pillow maybe two if you feel like it, cause they are necessary to provide you with a peaceful sleep.

10. Have Fun:

Remember life is short, so why not get the best out of it while we can. While making sacrifices, prioritizing work for succeeding in life do not forget that life is a lot more than just work and hustle.
Do not compromise on the things you love to do, things you enjoy. Take time out every once a while to hangout with friends, go watch that new movie, go shopping for your favorite apparels, play your much loved video game and have fun because life is supposed to be fun and beautiful...

So, this is how we are planning to make the most of 2020.

What are your plans? List them in the comments below.     

Last but not the least, Wish you all a Happy New year!


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